The Skeptic's Toolbox - Schedule

The Skeptic's Toolbox


Thursday, August 8

2:00pm — 5:00pm

Registration at Living Learning Center Performance Hall
Meet and Greet

7:00pm — 10:00pm

Keynote Address: Unraveling the Mystery of Alexis Didier

with Loren Pankratz

Friday, August 9

9:00am — 10:15am

Uncertainty in Medicine

with Harriet Hall · Download presentation (5 MB, .PPTX) »

10:45am — 12:00pm

Teams assemble and begin assignment

2:00pm — 3:15pm

Significance Testing and Science

with Ray Hyman

3:45pm — 5:00pm

Teams work on assignments

7:00pm — 10:00pm

Human Limitations in Dealing with Probability

with Jim Alcock

Saturday, August 10

9:00am — 10:15am

How the Media Stoke Our Perennial Uncertainty About Nutrition

with Lindsay Beyerstein

10:45am — 12:00pm

Teams work on assignments

2:00pm — 3:15pm

Left Overs


3:45pm — 5:00pm

Teams continue their work

7:00pm — 10:00pm

Dinner in LLC Performance Hall
“In the Trenches” Award
Magic Show

Sunday, August 11

9:30am — 11:30am

Teams make their reports